Canine Companions on the Christmas Road: Tips for a Smooth Journey

Two dogs in back of car snowy scene

The Christmas season has arrived, bringing with it the promise of cosy gatherings, festive cheer, and the excitement of traveling to spend time with loved ones. This year, there's an extra member joining your Christmas road trip – your loyal canine companion. As you prepare for the journey ahead, remember that your dog's safety, comfort, and happiness are paramount. In our guide, we've compiled essential advice to ensure a delightful and stress-free holiday adventure. As we too are road-tripping five hours with our Dachshund and Border Terrier this Christmas we know how important it is to keep your dogs happy and comfortable whilst in the car!  

From pre-trip health checkups and packing the perfect travel kit to prioritising safety measures and keeping your furry friend entertained, we've got you covered. Our goal is to make this journey as memorable for your dog as it is for you, so you can cherish the moments spent together during this special season.



1. Pack a Canine Travel Kit:

Assemble a travel kit for your dog, including essentials like food, water, collapsible bowls, medications, waste bags, and a leash. Don't forget your dog's favourite blanket or toy for comfort.

2. Safety First:

Invest in proper safety measures, such as a dog seat belt, harness, or a well-ventilated travel crate, to secure your dog during the journey. Unrestrained pets can be dangerous in the car.

3. Plan Frequent Stops:

Dogs need breaks just like humans. Plan for regular pit stops to allow your dog to stretch their legs, relieve themselves, and have a drink of water.

4. Familiar and Comfortable Space:

Create a familiar and comfortable space for your dog in the car. Use their regular bedding or blanket to help them feel secure during the trip.

5. Keep Calm and Stay Relaxed:

Dogs are highly attuned to your emotions. Stay calm and relaxed to help your dog feel at ease during the journey. Soft music or calming pheromone sprays can also help create a soothing atmosphere.

6. Provide Entertainment:

Bring along toys, chews, or puzzle feeders to keep your dog entertained during the drive. A distracted dog is a happy and relaxed travel companion.

7. Plan Pet-Friendly Stops:

Research and plan your route to include pet-friendly stops along the way. Dog parks, rest areas, and pet-friendly accommodations are essential for a smooth journey.

8. Check Local Pet Regulations:

Be aware of pet regulations at your destination. Some areas may have leash laws, pet fees at accommodations, or restrictions on dog-friendly beaches.


With these tips in mind, you're well-prepared for a Christmas road trip filled with fun, laughter and the company of your beloved canine companion. As you hit the road, remember that the journey is as important as the destination.